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Montag, 29. August 2016

IAST #159

Für IAST #159 hat uns Adele eine Kombination aus dem Muster Printemps und doppelten Linien als String vorgegeben. Als Tangles hatte sie Printemps, Partay und Palrevo ausgewählt. Alle Details könnt ihr hier finden.
Für mich war das eine ganz schöne Herausforderung. Letztendlich habe ich sogar zwei Kacheln gezeichnet.
Die erste ist eine Renaissance-Kachel, aber ich war nicht wirklich zufrieden damit, da das Ergebnis auf mich sehr unruhig gewirkt hat.

For IAST #159 asked us Adele to use a combination from the pattern Printemps and doubled lines. As tangles she had selected Printemps, Partay and Palrevo. All details  you can find here.
That was a really challenge for me, but at the end I draw two tiles.
The first a Renaissance-Tile - I wasn't satisfied with, because it looks to restless of me.

IAST #159 - Printemps, Partay, Palrevo

Einen Tag später habe ich ein pures Schwarz-Weiss-Tile gezeichnet und schattiert. Das gefällt mir.

Drawing one day later a pure black-white-tile and now I enjoy it.

IAST #159 - Tile 2
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Donnerstag, 25. August 2016


Beim monatlichen Muster Mixer von Anya Lothrop sollten dieses Mal D-Vine und Ennies gemixt werden. Lange Zeit hatte ich keine Idee, was ich daraus machen sollte. Jetzt habe ich es mal mit einer Welle probiert.

At the monthly Muster Mixer by Anya Lothrop should mixed this time D-Vine and Ennies. For a long time I had no idea what I should do. Now I tried it with a wave.

Muster Mixer #21 - D-Vine, Ennies

Happy Tangl-ING ist das Thema bei der Diva Challenge. ING kannte ich schon, habe es aber sehr wenig benutzt. Keine Ahnung warum, denn mir hat es sehr viel Spaß gemacht und man kann es sehr gut variieren. Vielen Dank Laura, für diese Herausforderung.

Happy Tangl-ING the theme at Diva Challenge. ING was not new to me but I didn't used it often. Don't know why, had so much fun and there's  many variation. Thank you so much Laura for this challenge!

DC #281 - ING, added Beadlines, Drogon, Garlic Cloves, Tipple

Joey's neue Serie "Finish my tile" beginnt diese Woche mit Sparkle und weil mir das so gut gefiel, habe ich gedacht, das muss mehrmals auf die Kachel und habe es symmetrisch angeordnet. Hinzugefügt habe ich noch Cheese Cloth und Barber Pole als Rahmen. Paradox sollte es eigentlich werden, aber nachdem ich fertig war, hat es mehr wie Betweed ausgesehen :))

Joey's new series "Finish my tile" started this week with Sparkle, I enjoy it and thought  this has to go several times on the tile and arrangened it symmetrically. Added Cheese Cloth and framed with Barber Pole. Paradox I would use, but finally it looks more than Betweed :))

Joey's #127 - Finish my tile  (Sparkle)
Barber Pole, Cheese Cloth, Paradox/Betweed
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Samstag, 20. August 2016

It's a string thing #158

Drogon ist das neue zauberhafte Muster von Lily M. und diese Woche durften wir es bei Adele's IATS #158 verwenden. Ich habe meine "Goldmedaillen-Tangles" Snaylz Trail (Andrea Shuman), Eddy (Suzanne McNeill), Knot Rickz (Cheryl Cianci), Garlic Cloves (?) und Echoism (off. Muster) mit O - Aura (Adele Bruno) hinzugefügt. 

Drogon is the new charming pattern from Lily M. and we could used it this week by Adele's IATS #158. I have added my "Goldmedal-Tangles" Snaylz Trail (Andrea Shuman), Eddy (Suzanne McNeill), Knot Rickz (Cheryl Cianci), Garlic Cloves (?) and Echoism (off. Muster) with O - Aura (Adele Bruno).

IATS #158
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Montag, 15. August 2016

Duotangle Abeko vs. Phroz and Finish my tile challenge

For IATS #157 challengend us Adele drawing a duotangle with Abeko (a new tangle from Lynn Mead, CZT) and Phroz (Lynn Mead). Both are new to me. A lovely string, two beautiful tangles and I had problems to bring them together on a tile :(.  After some attemps.....here my entry for this week. I'm not so contented with it, but it is what it is :)) 

IATS #157 - Abeko, Phroz

Last week ended the circle string series at Joeys blog. I was curious to the new challenge this monday. And the new challenge is called by her "FINISH MY TILE CHALLENGE". I love it. In the way, this challenge is similar "Travelling Tiles". I read and saw so much about it, but never done one. Now I'm happy to take part of Joeys new challenge. She starts each tile with one tangle and then we added tangles of our own to finished it off. This morning I had seen it.....and now I had finished my tile on the same day - I'm astonished at myself.

Joey started the tile with Paradox. I draw it in the same spot of my own tile, added some tangles and coloured a little. What a fun. I'm looking forward to the next weeks. Thank you Joey for this great idea!

Finish my tile #1 (Paradox) 
Crescent Moon, Arukas, O,Teenos, Loev, Münz, Abeko, Pearly
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Mittwoch, 10. August 2016

Circle string series and Duotangle

This week Joey challengend us to use the tangle OoF (Out of Focus) for the last of her circle string series. OoF was new to me and I had a lot of fun to fill it with other tangles. I'm looking forward to next monday and anxious to see a new idea for the challenge - maybe a new series?

10. circle string series - OoF filled with O, Knot Rickz,
Sand Swirl, Tipple, Knightstar, Cubine, Knigthsbridge, Snailz Trail

A Duotangle - Meer vs. Auraknot - was the challenge by the Diva. Both pattern aren't new to me, but I have always problems with Auraknot. First I thought "OHH NO!". Than I had the idea for a Zendala and this time I haven't problems while drawing Auraknot - what a suprise to me!

DC #279 - Duotangle Auraknot vs. Meer

Just for fun...
Last week we should use Knightstar at DC and I found it difficult to draw. But than I saw Stephanie Jennifers video and she explain an easier way. I tried it again, it was really an easier way and know I love this tangle. Thank you Stephanie! You can find the video here.

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Samstag, 6. August 2016

Weekly Challenges

For DC #278: The first Monday of month is time for UMT (Use my Tangle) - this month Knightstar by CZT Daniel Lamothe.

DC #278 - Knightstar, D-Vine, Striping

For Joey's weekly tangle challenge:

9. circle string - Gra-vee (Aura with Tipple, O)

For Adele Bruno's IATS #156 - Happy third anniversary!!

Candlelight-String - O, Onamato, Opus, Orbs-la-Dee

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